Ivy Beyond the WallWhen a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha transitions to eternal rest, that member is considered an Ivy Beyond the Wall. Epsilon Gamma Omega bids farewell to the following members:
![]() Silver Member Eugenia Christine Moss joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® in 1977 in the Gamma Mu Chapter at Alabama A&M University. Silver Member Eugenia Christine Moss perpetuated the purpose and ideals of the sorority her willingness, dedication and service. She joined Epsilon Gamma Omega where she served as Chairman of the 59th Debutante Presentation and Ball, Chairman of the Get Acquainted Tea; member of the Rituals committee; served on the Graduate Council in support of Gamma Mu and numerous other committees of Epsilon Gamma Omega as well as Chairman of the Decoration Committee for the 82nd South Eastern Regional Conference. Silver Member Eugenia Christine Moss enjoyed attending the Alpha Kappa Alpha Incorporated® Regional Conferences, Clusters and Boules. She loved Alabama A&M University and her graduating class of 1979. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree and masters’ degree in 1983 in Business Administration. She supported Alabama A&M University untiredly by participating in the National Alumni Association. Silver Member Eugenia Christine Moss was employed as a procurement analyst for the U.S. Government at Redstone Arsenal where she retired in 2015. She was a faithful member of the First Missionary Baptist Church where she served as a Greeter, Chairman of 2012 Women’s Day Committee, sang in the Women’s Day Choir, and actively served in the Missionary Society. She served on other committees when requested. Silver Member Eugenia Christine Moss became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on March 15, 2024. ![]() Diamond Member Fannie Odelia Pulley joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® in 1946 in the Alpha Psi Chapter at Tennessee. State University. On March 19, 1949, she joined nine other Alpha Kappa Alpha women in chartering Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter at Alabama A&M College (now University). Diamond Member Fannie Odelia Pulley perpetuated the purpose and ideals of the sorority through her willingness, dedication, and service. During her 78 years in the sorority, Diamond Member Fannie Odelia Pulley, served as President, Vice President, Parliamentarian, Secretary, Media Correspondent, and Ivy Leaf Reporter. Diamond Member Fannie Odelia Pulley shared her leadership skills as she chaired or co-chaired the Debutante Presentation and Ball, the Publicity Committee, the 41st South Eastern Regional Conference, the Regional Registration Committee and served as the Regional Conference Parliamentarian. Diamond Member Fannie Odelia Pulley was an educator who majored in Business Education. She taught in Fayetteville, TN, Huntsville City Schools, and at Alabama A&M University. She enjoyed teaching and encouraging youth to be the best they could be. Diamond Member Fannie Odelia Pulley was involved with other community efforts such as being a charter member of the Continental Societies Huntsville, the Daughters of Elks – Temple 1127, and Christian Women’s Job Corps. Diamond Member Fannie Odelia Pulley, was a member of First Missionary Baptist Church where she served on the Finance Committee, the Women’s Day Finance Committee, and the Publicity Committee as well as the Missionary Society Circle #2, the Senior Choir, the Bereavement Committee, the Prayer Ministry and attended the Women’s Sunday School Class. Diamond Member Pulley became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on February 5, 2024. ![]() Pearl Member Dr. Dorothy Johnson Gurley joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® in 1950 in the Gamma Mu Chapter at Alabama A&M University, Normal, Alabama. Pearl Member Gurley perpetuated the purpose and ideals of the sorority through her willingness, dedication and service. Pearl Member Gurley, served as President of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, during the term 1977-1979. She had a passion for Reading is Fundamental (RIF) as she supported it with Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter. Pearl Member Gurley was an educator who was serious about her profession and the success of students. She spoke distinctly and with purpose. Pearl Member Gurley was an accomplished author. Pearl Member Gurley, was quiet, charming, and always dressed impeccably, often completing an outfit with a stylist hat. Her daughter, Beverly Lampley, is her legacy and is currently a member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter. Pearl Member Gurley became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on November 7, 2023. ![]() Silver Member Rosita D. Strong joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® in 1996 in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, Huntsville, Alabama. Silver Member Rosita D. Strong perpetuated the purpose and ideals of the sorority through her willingness, dedication, and untiring service. Silver Member Rosita D. Strong displayed a quiet but committed work ethic with Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter. Silver Member Rosita D. Strong, loved working with Prospective Debutantes as she encouraged them and projected a positive example. She served on the Health Committee and Target Five- specifically, making dresses for little girls in Africa. Silver Member Rosita D. Strong was a member of the Ivy Center Foundation and supported by attending the White Linen Brunches and donating to the Capital Campaign initiative. Silver Member Rosita D. Strong graciously extended kindness to others and represented a wonderful example of what the Sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated ® means. Silver Member Rosita D. Strong found joy in traveling to Regional and National conferences with her legacy daughters, Sorors Antonia and Natalie by her side. Silver Member Rosita D. Strong served her country and was retired from the United States Air Force. Silver Member Rosita D. Strong became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on July 3, 2023. ![]() Pearl Member Evelyn Streeter Rich joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Sorority, Incorporated ® in 1952 in the Gamma Mu Chapter at Alabama A&M University, Normal, Alabama. Pearl Member Evelyn Streeter Rich, perpetuated the purpose and ideals of the sorority through her willingness, creativity, dedication, and untiring service for 69 uninterrupted years. Pearl Member Evelyn Streeter Rich served in the Eta Xi Omega Chapter, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and later in 1977, joined Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, Huntsville, Alabama, where she served as chaplain for four years. She served gracefully through the years on many chapter committees such as the Music Committee, Art Committee, Telephone Committee, Undergraduate Activities, and Reading is Fundamental. She used her beautiful vocal cords to sing with the Singing Pearls. She was elegant and possessed a pleasing demeanor as she continued to serve as a mentor and encouraged others to showcase their talents. Pearl Member Evelyn Streeter Rich became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on April 27, 2023. Silver Member Mary Goode Rankin joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated ® in 1982 in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, Huntsville, Alabama. Silver Member Mary Goode Rankin perpetuated the purposes and ideals of the sorority through her willingness, dedication and untiring service. She served on and chaired many chapter committees through the years, such as Reading is Fundamental (RIF), Debutante committees, and International and Chapter programs. Silver Member Mary Goode Rankin shared her creative talent through the creation of songs, poems, games, skits and raps. She used her beautiful vocal cords to sing with the Singing Pearls for many years. Silver Member Mary Goode Rankin adored her pearls, pink, and green, and loved her Sorors dearly and missed seeing them greatly during her illness. Silver Member Mary Goode Rankin extended her many talents in the community where she loved to sing God’s praises at her church, St. John AME as well as working with the children’s choir for over twenty years. Silver Member Mary Goode Rankin’s true calling was teaching and loving children; she often mentored other teachers as well throughout her career. She was anointed with the gift of loving, lifting, and celebrating others. Her daughter, Brooke Lawson, is her legacy and is currently a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®. Silver Member Rankin became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on March 2, 2023. ![]() Epsilon Gamma Omega Member Lizzy M. Clemons joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® in 2005 with the Phi Upsilon Omega Chapter, Town Creek, Alabama. Lizzy M. Clemons continued her service to all mankind in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter in Huntsville, Alabama. She perpetuated the purposes and ideals of the sorority through her willingness, dedication, and untiring service. Lizzy M. Clemons, executed her talents as a decorator on many occasions for Epsilon Gamma Omega’s special events such as the Mother-Daughter Brunch and the Debutante Presentation and Ball to name a few. She loved pink and green, pearls and her sorority sisters immensely. She always greeted them with a warm sisterly smile and hello. Lizzy M. Clemons, extended her service into the community by serving as Director for the James A. Lane Boys and Girls Club for 31 years. She served as a mentor and positive influence to thousands of boys and girls in the Huntsville Community. Her daughter, Pamela Siles, is her legacy and is currently a member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter. Epsilon Gamma Omega Member Clemons became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on February 8, 2023. ![]() Pearl Member Eulasteen P. Muse joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® in 1950 in the Gamma Mu Chapter at Alabama A&M University in Normal, Alabama. Pearl Member Eulasteen P. Muse was proud to continue her commitment to Alpha Kappa Alpha as she was initiated the year following the chartering of the Gammu Mu Chapter. She attended various conferences over the years. Pearl Member Eulasteen P. Muse continued her service to all mankind in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter in Huntsville, Alabama. Pearl Member Muse perpetuated the purposes and ideals of the sorority through her work and community service. Pearl Member Eulasteen P. Muse displayed her generosity for Epsilon Gamma Omega with her treasures by many donations of goods during special collections; her time by assisting with decorating for Epsilon Gamma Omega’s Signature program the Debutante Presentation and Ball as she enjoyed attending as well. Pearl Member Eulasteen P. Muse graciously extended kindness to others, encouraged others and was a role model. Her daughter, Anita Muse, is her legacy and is currently a member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter. Pearl Member Eulasteen P. Muse became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on Sunday, January 24, 2023. ![]() Epsilon Gamma Omega (EGO) Member LaKeisha Richards joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® in 2012 in the Eta Epsilon Omega Chapter in Tuscon, Arizona. Because of her work and dedication to the values of our beloved sisterhood, Eta Epsilon Omega’s program initiatives, and targets experienced remarkable growth. LaKeisha Richards continued her service to all mankind in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter in Huntsville, Alabama. EGO Member Richards perpetuated the purposes and ideals of the sorority through her work and community service. EGO Member LaKeisha Richards became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on Sunday, January 15, 2023.
Silver Member Diann Henley Greer joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® on March 6, 1985 in the Gamma Mu Chapter at Alabama A&M University, Huntsville, Alabama. Silver Member Diann Greer continued her service to all mankind in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter in Huntsville, Alabama. Silver Member Greer perpetuated the purposes and ideals of the sorority through her work and community service. Silver Member Diann Henley Greer became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on Sunday, October 30, 2022. Her sister, Pamela Thompson is an active member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter.
Silver Member Rosalyn Elizabeth Massie joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® over forty years ago in the Alpha Tau Omega Chapter in San Antonio, Texas. Silver Member Rosalyn Massie continued her service to all mankind in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter in Huntsville, Alabama. Silver Member Massie perpetuated the purposes and ideals of the sorority through her work and community service. Silver Member Rosalyn Elizabeth Massie became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on March 21, 2022.
Golden Member Julianne White Lacy joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® in 1964 in the Gamma Mu Chapter on the campus of Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University (AAMU) in Normal, Alabama. She continued her service to all mankind in the Epsilon Gamma Omega (EGO) Chapter, Huntsville, Alabama. During her 57 years in the sorority, Golden Member Lacy served as the Reporter to the Ivy Leaf and served with dedication on several chapter committees including: Co-Chairman, EGO Data Bank; Founders’ Day; Ivy AKAdemy; Math and Science; Reading is Fundamental (RIF); Audit; Co-Chairman, Chapter Directory; Chairman, Newsletter; Chairman, Printing; Co-Chairman, Public Relations; and the Standards committees. She also served tirelessly on numerous Epsilon Gamma Omega Debutante Presentation and Ball Committees, including the publicity; Cotillion; Program and Printing; Hobby Talent Tea and the Mother-Daughter Brunch Committees. Golden Member Julianne White Lacy displayed unwavering devotion and commitment to the sorority, during her time of service on the twenty-fourth South Eastern Regional Director’s staff (2010- 2014). Additionally, she created a legacy of commitment and unwavering service as a charter member of the Ivy Center Foundation and was named board member Emerita for the Ivy Center Foundation in 2015. Her daughter, Lorraine Lacy, is her legacy and is currently a member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter. Golden Member Lacy became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on May 14, 2021.
Silver Member Mrs. Lanita V. Slaton joined the membership of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter in Huntsville, Alabama in 1988. During her 32 years as a member of the sorority, she served as the chapter secretary and as the assistant advisor to the Gamma Mu Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated at Alabama A&M University. Mrs. Slaton was a member of several chapter committees, including the Debutante Ball Table Arrangement Committee, the Sisterly Relations Committee and the Elderly Outreach Committee. She was very active on the Target 2 Women’s Health Committee where she especially enjoyed the soul food dinners. She became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on July 21, 2020.
Pearl Member Mrs. Martha Crews joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, in the Zeta Delta Omega Chapter in Natchez, Mississippi, in 1953. Pearl Member Crews later moved her membership to Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter in Huntsville, Alabama. Pearl Member Crews enjoyed the fellowship and camaraderie of our beloved sisterhood and looked forward to calls and visits from EGO Chapter members. After sixty-seven years of membership, Pearl Member Martha Crews became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on April 2, 2020.
Mrs. Beryl Dawes Cutts joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, in 1982 into the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter in Huntsville, Alabama. Mrs. Cutts worked diligently on Epsilon Gamma Omega’s signature Debutante Presentation and Ball committees, including the Mother/Daughter Brunch, for numerous years. Additionally, Mrs. Cutts served as a member of the Ivy Center Foundation. Mrs. Cutts became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on March 22, 2020.
![]() Dr. Rhoda L. Hutchinson joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, in 1974 into the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter in Huntsville, Alabama. Dr. Rhoda Hutchinson rendered service to all mankind in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, Huntsville, Alabama and served with dedication throughout the years on the Elderly Outreach, Health, and Membership Committees. Additionally, as a member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, she served on the Founders’ Day Committee and the Debutante Presentation and Ball, where she also worked selflessly and tirelessly on the Decorations Committee. Dr. Hutchinson was a mentor and friend to many, and showed and shared kindness to all. Her legacy of excellence and her contributions in the Nursing community will long be cherished and valued. Dr. Hutchinson perpetuated the purposes and ideals of the sorority through her work and community service. She became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on Wednesday, March 4, 2020.
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth James Chandler joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated fifty-seven years ago (1961) in the Gamma Mu Chapter on the campus of Alabama A&M University, Normal, Alabama. Mary Chandler continued her service to all mankind as an active member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter and served tirelessly as both the chapter's Official Hostess and as Chairman of the Courtesy Committee. Additionally, Mary Chandler served in excellence for countless years in numerous capacities including as a member of the Social Welfare Committee and Sorority Materials Committee. Mrs. Chandler also displayed her unwavering devotion and commitment through her consistent attendance of Alpha Kappa Alpha Regional and International Conferences. She became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on Tuesday, December 25, 2018. Mrs. Yvonne Cable Stewart Mrs. Yvonne Cable Stewart joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority in 1973. She received her early education at Council Training School and continued her high school education at Buckhorn High School where she graduated with honors. She attended Alabama A&M University where she graduated with honors with a Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology and a Masters in Library Media. She joined Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated forty-five years ago in the Gamma Mu Chapter on the Campus of Alabama A&M University in Normal, Alabama. Soror Yvonne Stewart continued her service to all mankind in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, Huntsville, Alabama. She perpetuated the purposes and ideals of the sorority through her work and service; She became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on Monday, December 10, 2018.
Mrs. Evangeline Herndon Spillman Diamond Member Evangeline Herndon Spillman joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in 1942 in the Beta Alpha Omega Chapter in Newark, New Jersey. She was an active member of our beloved sorority for 76 years. She earned a bachelor’s degree in home economics from Hampton Institute and a master’s degree from Tuskegee Institute (now University). Diamond Member Evangeline Spillman continued her service to all mankind as a Charter Member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter in 1949 and served tirelessly as both the Chapter President and Vice President. One of her first responsibilities in Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter was to plan a tea for Gamma Mu Chapter’s first rush. Diamond Soror Evangeline Spillman was the chapter’s fourth and eighth Chapter President. She served as its first parliamentarian and from 1985-1988 she served in that position again. Among her numerous other leadership positions were vice president, Reporter to the Ivy Leaf, dean of pledgees, Graduate Advisor to undergraduates, and official hostess. Diamond Soror Evangeline Spillman also displayed her unwavering devotion and commitment while serving as Co-Chairman of the Steering Committee for the 1973 Regional Conference, Chairman of the Luncheon and Banquets for the 1985 Regional Conference, and Chairman of the 1983 “Silver Memories” Debutante Ball. For decades, she continued planning food functions for the celebration of special chapter occasions. For many years she served as the chairman of the Food and Drink Committee for the chapter’s signature program, the Annual Debutante Presentation and Ball. Diamond Soror Evangeline Spillman perpetuated the purposes and ideals of the sorority through her work and community service and in 2017, she became Epsilon Gamma Omega’s first Diamond member. She epitomized finer womanhood and elegance. On October 9, 2018, Diamond Soror Evangeline Spillman died at age 99. She is interred at Glenwood Cemetery, Huntsville, Alabama. Dr. Henrene Ellington Smoot Dr. Henrene Ellington Smoot was initiated into Omicron Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority, Incorporated in 1959, in Birmingham, Alabama. Golden Soror Smoot became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on June 12, 2018. Upon moving to Huntsville in the 1960s, she became active with Epsilon Gamma Omega (EGO) Chapter. Soror Henrene served as Chairman of the Arts and Music Committees. Soror Smoot minored in Music and was a special Julliard student. She was one of EGO’s in-house musicians sharing her piano and organ playing talents for many EGO Chapter events and programs, including the Debutante Ball. She also served on the Economic Development of the Black Family Committee. The Board of Directors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated posthumously extended commendations to Golden Soror Henrene Smoot for her leadership and dedication. Mrs. Cora Hamer Speight Mrs. Cora Hamer Speight was initiated in Madison, Alabama into Rho Chi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority, Incorporated, in 1997. She became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on May 18, 2018. During her twenty-one years as an AKA, she moved her membership to Epsilon Gamma Omega (EGO) Chapter, Huntsville, Alabama, where she served on the Executive Committee as Pecunious Grammateus; served selflessly on the Newsletter Committee and the Economic Growth of the Black Family Committee. Soror Cora also served on the Audit, Health Resource Management and the Economic Security Committees. She worked tirelessly as a Board Member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter’s The Ivy Center of Huntsville/Madison County Foundation. She served as treasurer of the foundation. Soror Speight perpetuated the purposes and ideals of the sorority through her work and community service. The Board of Directors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated posthumously extended commendations to Soror Cora Speight for her leadership and dedication ![]() Mrs. Mattie Leslie Lacey Mrs. Mattie Leslie Lacey was initiated into Gamma Mu Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority, Incorporated in 1950. Upon graduation from Alabama A&M College, she moved her membership to Epsilon Gamma Omega (EGO) Chapter, Huntsville, Alabama. Soror Mattie became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on May 12, 2018. During her sixty-eight years in the Sorority, Golden Soror Mattie Lacey served on the Executive Committee as Grammateus. This Golden Soror also served on the Building and Grounds, Membership, Social Welfare, EAF, and Connection Committees. In addition, she served on the Courtesy and Protocol, Written History, Telephone, Organizational Impact and Collaboration Committees. As a very active Soror, she served several times on the Data Bank and Reading is Fundamental (RIF) Committees. Golden Soror Mattie worked on several Debutante Ball Committees including Decorations. The Board of Directors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated posthumously extended commendations to Golden Soror Mattie Lacey for her leadership and dedication. Mrs. Virginia Caples, PhD
![]() Virginia Caples, PhD was initiated in 1967 into Gamma Phi Chapter on the campus of Alcorn State University in Lorman, Mississippi. She became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on February 19, 2018. Upon coming to Huntsville, Alabama, in the late 1970s, Soror Virginia Caples continued her service to all mankind in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter. This Golden Soror served with dedication throughout the years. Dr. Caples also supported the Alabama A&M University undergraduate Gamma Mu Chapter, by ensuring that each member had whatever was needed in order to continue the chapter’s legacy of excellence. Soror Caples served, untiringly, on various committees within the chapter. She was best known as a strategic planner within the sorority and the community. She was a founding member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter’s The Ivy Center of Huntsville/Madison County Foundation. Golden Soror Caples served selflessly and tirelessly on the Ivy Center Foundation Board as Vice-President and Co-Chairman of the Building and Land Committee. To honor her legacy and her commitment to her community, Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University established the Virginia Caples Lifelong Learning Institute, which supports and addresses learning and advanced quality of life for the oldest adult population. Soror Virginia Caples perpetuated the purposes and ideals of the sorority through her work and community service. The Board of Directors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated posthumously extended commendations to Golden Soror Virginia Caples for her leadership and dedication. Dr. Caples was the first woman to be named, twice, as interim president of Alabama A&M University. ![]() Mrs. Sandra O'Neal Dickerson Mrs. Sandra O’Neal Dickerson was born on September 1, 1942 and became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on October 29, 2017. She joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in the Beta Upsilon Chapter on the campus of Dillard University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Mrs. Dickerson continued her service to all mankind in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, Huntsville, Alabama and served with dedication in various capacities throughout the years to include chapter Chaplain; Chairman and Co-Chairman of the Debutante Presentation and Ball Training Committee; a member of the Singing Pearls; and the Reading is Fundamental (RIF) Committee. Additionally, as a member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, she served on the Ivy Center of Huntsville/Madison County Foundation, Inc. Board, where she also worked selflessly and tirelessly as both Chairman and Co-Chairman of the White Linen Brunch.
![]() Mrs. Cathy Miller-Robinson Mrs. Cathy Miller-Robinson was born on August 6, 1963 and became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on February 7, 2017. She joined the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in 1987 as a Charter Member of Omicron Zeta Chapter on the Campus of the University of Alabama at Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama. Cathy continued her service to all mankind in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, Huntsville, Alabama and served with dedication on the Economic Security Committee and by sharing her musical gift and talent at numerous events including Founders’ Day and the Debutante Presentation and Ball. Cathy’s daughter, Chelsy Robinson, was presented as a debutante at the 59th Debutante Presentation and Ball on February 17, 2017.
![]() Mrs. Ann Gardner Eady Mrs. Ann Gardner Eady born on March 6, 1927 and became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on November 30, 2016. Ann became a member of the Alpha Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in 1973, on the campus of Tennessee State University, in Nashville, Tennessee. Mrs. Eady was initiated into the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated sixty-nine years ago in the Alpha Psi Chapter on the campus of Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tennessee. Mrs. Eady continued her service to all mankind as a Charter Member of the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, Huntsville, Alabama and served with dedication. Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter was chartered on March 19, 1949 on the campus of Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, Normal, Alabama. Ann was the beginning of a rich legacy of Alpha Kappa Alpha women to include her daughter, Stephanie Eady Britt; her sister, Faye Gardner Stewart; nieces, Takasha Stewart Coleman, Cynthia Gardner Snyder, Deidre Gardner White, and Felicia Gardner who is an Ivy Beyond the Wall. ![]() Mrs. Geraldine Downing Williams Mrs. Geraldine Downing Williams born on April 12, 1953 and became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on July 26, 2016. Geraldine joined the Gamma Mu Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in 1973, on the campus of Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, Normal, Alabama. Mrs. Williams continued her service to all mankind in the Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, Huntsville, Alabama and served with dedication on many committees throughout the years to include Target II, Health Promotion; Target III, Family Strengthening; Reading Is Fundamental; the Arts; Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability; Elderly Outreach; Connections; Collaboration; Founders’ Day; Standards; Graduate Advisors Council; Social; and the Debutante Program Committees of Escorts and Marshals and Program. Geraldine belonged to a rich legacy of Alpha Kappa Alpha women. Her three daughters, Hope Bradley, Erin Rice, and Heather Williams Branch; three sisters, Dorothy Downing, Vanessa Henderson and Lori Smith; and niece, Ashlyn Downing are all members of this illustrious sisterhood.
![]() Dr. Constance Yvonne Craft Dees Dr. Constance Yvonne Craft Dees, initiated into Alpha Rho Chapter in 1958, was a Golden Life member. She became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on November 19, 2013. Dr. Dees was selected Soror of the Year and also served as Membership Chairlady. She was a School Coordinator for Reading is Fundamental (RIF) and served on the following committees: Elderly Outreach, Fundraising, Health, Resource Management and Economics, Ivy AKAdemy, Math and Science, Membership, Music, Nominating, Printing, Public Relations, and Telephone. She also served as chair of the Audit Committee and co-chair of Reading is Fundamental (RIF). Dr. Dees chaired the Mother-Daughter Brunch, as well as Debutante Training; and served on Get Acquainted Tea, Decorations, and Coordinating committees. ![]() Mrs. Mary McCray Chambers Mary McCray Chambers, was initiated into Epsilon Gamma Omega (EGO) in 1950, one year after the chapter was chartered at Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University. She became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on October 23, 2011. Mrs. Chambers was privileged to serve as International Supreme Vice President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. In addition to her service to the sorority, she spearheaded the committee which was responsible for establishing the Cleveland Job Corps in 1965; and became the corps’ first director, where she served for many years. She was extremely active in EGO. She held many offices in the chapter, including President (1951-1955, 1972-1974), Secretary, and Graduate Advisor. She also served on strategic committees several times, such as: Basilei Council, Written History, Archives, Building and Properties, Constitution and By-Laws, Standards, Undergraduate Activities, Education, Health, Black Family, and various committees of the Debutante Presentation and Ball from its inception in 1958. That service included: 1977 Debutante Presentation and Ball (Script and Cotillion), Program, Fundraising, Souvenir and Hobby Talent Tea, Scrapbooks, Debutante Training and Publicity. Her daughter, Dr. Vivian Hicks, and granddaughter, Mary Aboko-Cole are legacy members of the sorority.
Mrs. Anita "Neet" Lewis Burns Mrs. Anita "Neet" Lewis Burns became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on October 14, 2009. She was a 36-year silver/legacy member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, initiated in 1973. Anita served on various chapter committees including Reading is Fundamental (RIF), Archives, Social Welfare, Elderly Outreach, Telephone and several others. During the Debutante Ball season, she chaired the Get Acquainted Tea, and worked several times on the Decorations and Mother-Daughter Brunch Committees. She also served on the Pre-Ball Activities and Breakfast Committee during the 1977 Debutante season. Her daughter, Anita Garner is a member of Epsilon Gamma Omega, as well as her two granddaughters, Danielle and Thomasena Garner.
![]() Mrs. Mattie Draper Battle Mattie Draper Battle, two-time President of Epsilon Gamma Omega (EGO) became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on September 1, 2008. She was a dedicated Life member, initiated in 1967. She served on the Chapter Executive Committee in several capacities. She was chapter President (1993-1996 and 2001-2004), having presided at eight Debutante Presentation and Balls. She also co-chaired one Debutante Ball. She served on several committees including Basilei Council, Founders’ Day, Ivy AKAdemy, Scholarship, Health, Elderly Outreach, Reading is Fundamental (RIF), Music, Standards, EGO Data Bank, Public Relations, Undergraduate Activities, Education, and Special Projects. Mattie was Reporter to the Ivy Leaf, and was selected to be a 1958 EGO. Debutante. Besides presiding over several Debutante Balls, she also worked on the Mother-Daughter Brunch as Chair, as well as a member of the Deb Training Committee. Mattie became a Legacy member when her daughter, Detra Battle-Blue was initiated into the sorority. Her granddaughter, Lauren Blue is also a member. ![]() Ms. Willie Mae Horton Willie Mae Horton, an Epsilon Gamma Omega Financial Secretary and Treasurer, became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on October 22, 2007. She pledged Gamma Mu in 1962. This thirty-five-year Silver soror co-chaired the Debutante Presentation and Ball in 1987. Although she served on the Executive Board as treasurer and financial secretary many times, she still worked untiringly on the following chapter committees: Black Family, Chapter Directory, Education, EGO Data Bank, Elderly Outreach, Finance, Fundraising, Program, Reading is Fundamental (RIF), Social Welfare, Undergraduate Activity, and Telephone. Her additional Debutante Ball service included the Mother-Daughter Brunch, Finance Committee Chair, and Publicity. Willie Mae was a legacy member, having two sisters, Josephine Gray and Mary Jean Horton in the sorority. |